Interface Classes module

List of interface classes.



class BWAPI::AIModule
AIModule is a virtual class that is intended to be implemented or inherited by a custom AI class.
class BWAPI::Bullet
An interface object representing a bullet or missile spawned from an attack.
class BWAPI::Force
The Force class is used to get information about each force in a match.
class BWAPI::Game
The abstract Game class is implemented by BWAPI and is the primary means of obtaining all game state information from Starcraft Broodwar.
class BWAPI::Player
The Player represents a unique controller in the game.
class BWAPI::Region
Region objects are created by Starcraft: Broodwar to contain several tiles with the same properties, and create a node in pathfinding and other algorithms.
class BWAPI::TournamentModule
TournamentModule is a virtual class that is intended to be implemented or inherited by a custom Tournament class.
class BWAPI::Unit
The Unit class is used to get information about individual units as well as issue orders to units.