PlayerThe Player represents a unique controller in the game.
- Reference
Each player in a match will have his or her own player instance. There is also a neutral player which owns all the neutral units (such as mineral patches and vespene geysers).
Base classes
template<typename Interface, typename Data>struct InterfaceDataWrapper<Player, PlayerData>
Public functions
auto allUnitCount(UnitType unit = UnitTypes::
AllUnits) const -> int - Retrieves the total number of units that the player has.
- auto armor(UnitType unit) const -> int
- Calculates the armor that a given unit type will have, including upgrades.
auto completedUnitCount(UnitType unit = UnitTypes::
AllUnits) const -> int - Retrieves the number of completed units that the player has.
- auto damage(WeaponType wpn) const -> int
- Calculates the damage that a given weapon type can deal, including upgrades.
auto deadUnitCount(UnitType unit = UnitTypes::
AllUnits) const -> int - Retrieves the number units that have died for this player.
- auto gas() const -> int
- Retrieves the current amount of vespene gas that this player has.
- auto gatheredGas() const -> int
- Retrieves the cumulative amount of vespene gas that this player has gathered since the beginning of the game, including the amount that the player starts the game with (if any).
- auto gatheredMinerals() const -> int
- Retrieves the cumulative amount of minerals/ore that this player has gathered since the beginning of the game, including the amount that the player starts the game with (if any).
- auto getBuildingScore() const -> int
- Retrieves the total building score, as seen in the end-game score screen.
auto getColor() const -> BWAPI::
Color - Retrieves the color value of the current player.
- auto getCustomScore() const -> int
- Retrieves the player's custom score.
- auto getForce() const -> Force
- Retrieves the player's force.
- auto getKillScore() const -> int
- Retrieves the total kill score, as seen in the end-game score screen.
- auto getMaxUpgradeLevel(UpgradeType upgrade) const -> int
- Retrieves the maximum upgrades available specific to the player.
auto getName() const -> std::
string_view - Retrieves the name of the player.
- auto getRace() const -> Race constexpr
- Retrieves the race of the player.
- auto getRazingScore() const -> int
- Retrieves the total razing score, as seen in the end-game score screen.
- auto getStartLocation() const -> TilePosition
- Retrieve's the player's starting location.
- auto getTextColor() const -> char
- Retrieves the control code character that changes the color of text messages to represent this player.
- auto getType() const -> PlayerType constexpr
- Retrieves the player's controller type.
- auto getUnits() const -> const Unitset&
- Retrieves the set of all units that the player owns.
- auto getUnitScore() const -> int
- Retrieves the total unit score, as seen in the end-game score screen.
- auto getUpgradeLevel(UpgradeType upgrade) const -> int
- Retrieves the current upgrade level that the player has attained for a given upgrade type.
- auto hasResearched(TechType tech) const -> bool
- Checks if the player has already researched a given technology.
- auto hasUnitTypeRequirement(UnitType unit, int amount = 1) const -> bool since v4.1.2
- Verifies that this player satisfies a unit type requirement.
auto incompleteUnitCount(UnitType unit = UnitTypes::
AllUnits) const -> int - Retrieves the number of incomplete units that the player has.
- auto isAlly(Player otherPlayer) const -> bool constexpr
- Checks if this player is allied to the specified player.
- auto isDefeated() const -> bool
- Checks if the player has been defeated.
- auto isEnemy(Player otherPlayer) const -> bool
- Checks if this player is unallied to the specified player.
- auto isNeutral() const -> bool
- Checks if this player is the neutral player.
- auto isObserver() const -> bool
- Checks if the player is an observer player, typically in a Use Map Settings observer game.
- auto isResearchAvailable(TechType tech) const -> bool
- Checks if a technology can be researched by the player.
- auto isResearching(TechType tech) const -> bool
- Checks if the player is researching a given technology type.
- auto isUnitAvailable(UnitType unit) const -> bool
- Checks if a unit type can be created by the player.
- auto isUpgrading(UpgradeType upgrade) const -> bool
- Checks if the player is upgrading a given upgrade type.
- auto isVictorious() const -> bool
- Checks if the player has achieved victory.
auto killedUnitCount(UnitType unit = UnitTypes::
AllUnits) const -> int - Retrieves the number units that the player has killed.
- auto leftGame() const -> bool
- Checks if the player has left the game.
- auto maxEnergy(UnitType unit) const -> int
- Retrieves the maximum amount of energy that a unit type will have, taking the player's energy upgrades into consideration.
- auto minerals() const -> int
- Retrieves the current amount of minerals/ore that this player has.
- auto refundedGas() const -> int
- Retrieves the cumulative amount of vespene gas that this player has gained from refunding (cancelling) units and structures.
- auto refundedMinerals() const -> int
- Retrieves the cumulative amount of minerals/ore that this player has gained from refunding (cancelling) units and structures.
- auto repairedGas() const -> int
- Retrieves the cumulative amount of vespene gas that this player has spent on repairing units since the beginning of the game.
- auto repairedMinerals() const -> int
- Retrieves the cumulative amount of minerals/ore that this player has spent on repairing units since the beginning of the game.
- auto sightRange(UnitType unit) const -> int
- Retrieves the sight range of a unit type, taking the player's sight range upgrades into consideration.
- auto spentGas() const -> int
- Retrieves the cumulative amount of vespene gas that this player has spent, excluding repairs.
- auto spentMinerals() const -> int
- Retrieves the cumulative amount of minerals/ore that this player has spent, excluding repairs.
auto supplyTotal(Race race = Races::
None) const -> int - Retrieves the total amount of supply the player has available for unit control.
auto supplyUsed(Race race = Races::
None) const -> int - Retrieves the current amount of supply that the player is using for unit control.
- auto topSpeed(UnitType unit) const -> double
- Retrieves the top speed of a unit type, taking the player's speed upgrades into consideration.
auto visibleUnitCount(UnitType unit = UnitTypes::
AllUnits) const -> int - Retrieves the total number of strictly visible units that the player has, even if information on the player is unrestricted.
- auto weaponDamageCooldown(UnitType unit) const -> int
- Retrieves the ground weapon cooldown of a unit type, taking the player's attack speed upgrades into consideration.
- auto weaponMaxRange(WeaponType weapon) const -> int
- Retrieves the maximum weapon range of a weapon type, taking the player's weapon upgrades into consideration.
Function documentation
int BWAPI:: Player:: allUnitCount(UnitType unit = UnitTypes:: AllUnits) const
Retrieves the total number of units that the player has.
Parameters | |
unit | (optional) The unit type to query. UnitType macros are accepted. If this parameter is omitted, then it will use UnitTypes:: |
Returns | The total number of units of the given type that the player owns. |
If the information about the player is limited, then this function will only return the number of visible units.
int BWAPI:: Player:: completedUnitCount(UnitType unit = UnitTypes:: AllUnits) const
Retrieves the number of completed units that the player has.
Parameters | |
unit | (optional) The unit type to query. UnitType macros are accepted. If this parameter is omitted, then it will use UnitTypes:: |
Returns | The number of completed units of the given type that the player owns. |
If the information about the player is limited, then this function will only return the number of visible completed units.
Example usage:
bool obtainNextUpgrade(BWAPI::UpgradeType upgType) { BWAPI::Player self = game.self(); if (!self) return false; int maxLvl = self.getMaxUpgradeLevel(upgType); int currentLvl = self.getUpgradeLevel(upgType); if ( !self.isUpgrading(upgType) && currentLvl < maxLvl && self.completedUnitCount(upgType.whatsRequired(currentLvl + 1)) > 0 && self.completedUnitCount(upgType.whatUpgrades()) > 0 ) return self.getUnits().upgrade(upgType); return false; }
int BWAPI:: Player:: damage(WeaponType wpn) const
Calculates the damage that a given weapon type can deal, including upgrades.
Parameters | |
wpn | The weapon type to calculate for. |
Returns | The amount of damage that the weapon deals with this player's upgrades. |
int BWAPI:: Player:: deadUnitCount(UnitType unit = UnitTypes:: AllUnits) const
Retrieves the number units that have died for this player.
Parameters | |
unit | (optional) The unit type to query. UnitType macros are accepted. If this parameter is omitted, then it will use UnitTypes:: |
Returns | The total number of units that have died throughout the game. |
int BWAPI:: Player:: gatheredGas() const
Retrieves the cumulative amount of vespene gas that this player has gathered since the beginning of the game, including the amount that the player starts the game with (if any).
Returns | Cumulative amount of gas that the player has gathered. |
int BWAPI:: Player:: gatheredMinerals() const
Retrieves the cumulative amount of minerals/ore that this player has gathered since the beginning of the game, including the amount that the player starts the game with (if any).
Returns | Cumulative amount of minerals that the player has gathered. |
int BWAPI:: Player:: getBuildingScore() const
Retrieves the total building score, as seen in the end-game score screen.
Returns | The player's building score. |
BWAPI:: Color BWAPI:: Player:: getColor() const
Retrieves the color value of the current player.
Returns | Color object that represents the color of the current player. |
int BWAPI:: Player:: getCustomScore() const
Retrieves the player's custom score.
Returns | The player's custom score. |
This score is used in Use Map Settings game types.
int BWAPI:: Player:: getKillScore() const
Retrieves the total kill score, as seen in the end-game score screen.
Returns | The player's kill score. |
int BWAPI:: Player:: getMaxUpgradeLevel(UpgradeType upgrade) const
Retrieves the maximum upgrades available specific to the player.
Parameters | |
upgrade | The UpgradeType to retrieve the maximum upgrade level for. |
Returns | Maximum upgrade level of the given upgrade type. |
This value is only different from UpgradeType::
Example usage:
bool obtainNextUpgrade(BWAPI::UpgradeType upgType) { BWAPI::Player self = game.self(); if (!self) return false; int maxLvl = self.getMaxUpgradeLevel(upgType); int currentLvl = self.getUpgradeLevel(upgType); if ( !self.isUpgrading(upgType) && currentLvl < maxLvl && self.completedUnitCount(upgType.whatsRequired(currentLvl + 1)) > 0 && self.completedUnitCount(upgType.whatUpgrades()) > 0 ) return self.getUnits().upgrade(upgType); return false; }
std:: string_view BWAPI:: Player:: getName() const
Retrieves the name of the player.
Returns | A std:: |
Example usage:
BWAPI::Player myEnemy = game.enemy(); if ( myEnemy ) // Make sure there is an enemy! game.sendText("Prepare to be crushed, %s!", myEnemy.getName().c_str());
Race BWAPI:: Player:: getRace() const constexpr
Retrieves the race of the player.
Returns | The Race that the player is using. |
None | If the player chose Races:: |
This allows you to change strategies against different races, or generalize some commands for yourself.
Example usage:
if ( game.enemy() ) { BWAPI::Race enemyRace = game.enemy().getRace(); if ( enemyRace == Races::Zerg ) game.sendText("Do you really think you can beat me with a zergling rush?"); }
int BWAPI:: Player:: getRazingScore() const
Retrieves the total razing score, as seen in the end-game score screen.
Returns | The player's razing score. |
TilePosition BWAPI:: Player:: getStartLocation() const
Retrieve's the player's starting location.
Returns | A TilePosition containing the position of the start location. |
None | if the player does not have a start location. |
None | if an error occured while trying to retrieve the start location. |
char BWAPI:: Player:: getTextColor() const
Retrieves the control code character that changes the color of text messages to represent this player.
Returns | character code to use for text in Broodwar. |
PlayerType BWAPI:: Player:: getType() const constexpr
Retrieves the player's controller type.
Returns | The PlayerType that identifies who is controlling a player. |
This allows you to distinguish betweeen computer and human players.
if ( game.enemy() ) { if ( game.enemy()->getType() == PlayerTypes::Computer ) game << "Looks like something I can abuse!" << std::endl; }
int BWAPI:: Player:: getUnitScore() const
Retrieves the total unit score, as seen in the end-game score screen.
Returns | The player's unit score. |
int BWAPI:: Player:: getUpgradeLevel(UpgradeType upgrade) const
Retrieves the current upgrade level that the player has attained for a given upgrade type.
Parameters | |
upgrade | The UpgradeType to query. |
Returns | The number of levels that the upgrade has been upgraded for this player. |
Example usage:
bool obtainNextUpgrade(BWAPI::UpgradeType upgType) { BWAPI::Player self = game.self(); if (!self) return false; int maxLvl = self.getMaxUpgradeLevel(upgType); int currentLvl = self.getUpgradeLevel(upgType); if ( !self.isUpgrading(upgType) && currentLvl < maxLvl && self.completedUnitCount(upgType.whatsRequired(currentLvl+1)) > 0 && self.completedUnitCount(upgType.whatUpgrades()) > 0 ) return self.getUnits().upgrade(upgType); return false; }
bool BWAPI:: Player:: hasResearched(TechType tech) const
Checks if the player has already researched a given technology.
Parameters | |
tech | The TechType to query. |
Returns | true if the player has obtained the given tech , or false if they have not |
bool BWAPI:: Player:: hasUnitTypeRequirement(UnitType unit,
int amount = 1) const since v4.1.2
Verifies that this player satisfies a unit type requirement.
Parameters | |
unit | The UnitType to check. |
amount | (optional) The amount of units that are required. |
Returns | true if the unit type requirements are met, and false otherwise. |
This verifies complex type requirements involving morphable Zerg structures. For example, if something requires a Spire, but the player has (or is in the process of morphing) a Greater Spire, this function will identify the requirement. It is simply a convenience function that performs all of the requirement checks.
int BWAPI:: Player:: incompleteUnitCount(UnitType unit = UnitTypes:: AllUnits) const
Retrieves the number of incomplete units that the player has.
Parameters | |
unit | (optional) The unit type to query. UnitType macros are accepted. If this parameter is omitted, then it will use UnitTypes:: |
Returns | The number of incomplete units of the given type that the player owns. |
If the information about the player is limited, then this function will only return the number of visible incomplete units.
bool BWAPI:: Player:: isDefeated() const
Checks if the player has been defeated.
Returns | true if the player is defeated, otherwise false |
bool BWAPI:: Player:: isNeutral() const
Checks if this player is the neutral player.
Returns | |
true | if this player is the neutral player. |
false | if this player is any other player. |
bool BWAPI:: Player:: isObserver() const
Checks if the player is an observer player, typically in a Use Map Settings observer game.
Returns | true if the player is observing, or false if the player is capable of playing in the game. |
An observer player does not participate in the game.
bool BWAPI:: Player:: isResearchAvailable(TechType tech) const
Checks if a technology can be researched by the player.
Parameters | |
tech | The TechType to query. |
Returns | true if the tech type is available to the player for research. |
Certain technologies may be disabled in Use Map Settings game types.
bool BWAPI:: Player:: isResearching(TechType tech) const
Checks if the player is researching a given technology type.
Parameters | |
tech | The TechType to query. |
Returns | true if the player is currently researching the tech , or false otherwise |
bool BWAPI:: Player:: isUnitAvailable(UnitType unit) const
Checks if a unit type can be created by the player.
Parameters | |
unit | The UnitType to check. |
Returns | true if the unit type is available to the player. |
Certain unit types may be disabled in Use Map Settings game types.
bool BWAPI:: Player:: isUpgrading(UpgradeType upgrade) const
Checks if the player is upgrading a given upgrade type.
Parameters | |
upgrade | The upgrade type to query. |
Returns | true if the player is currently upgrading the given upgrade , false otherwise |
Example usage:
bool obtainNextUpgrade(BWAPI::UpgradeType upgType) { BWAPI::Player self = game.self(); if (!self) return false; int maxLvl = self.getMaxUpgradeLevel(upgType); int currentLvl = self.getUpgradeLevel(upgType); if ( !self.isUpgrading(upgType) && currentLvl < maxLvl && self.completedUnitCount(upgType.whatsRequired(currentLvl + 1)) > 0 && self.completedUnitCount(upgType.whatUpgrades()) > 0 ) return self.getUnits().upgrade(upgType); return false; }
bool BWAPI:: Player:: isVictorious() const
Checks if the player has achieved victory.
Returns | true if this player has achieved victory, otherwise false |
int BWAPI:: Player:: killedUnitCount(UnitType unit = UnitTypes:: AllUnits) const
Retrieves the number units that the player has killed.
Parameters | |
unit | (optional) The unit type to query. UnitType macros are accepted. If this parameter is omitted, then it will use UnitTypes:: |
Returns | The total number of units that the player has killed throughout the game. |
bool BWAPI:: Player:: leftGame() const
Checks if the player has left the game.
Returns | true if the player has left the game, otherwise false |
int BWAPI:: Player:: maxEnergy(UnitType unit) const
Retrieves the maximum amount of energy that a unit type will have, taking the player's energy upgrades into consideration.
Parameters | |
unit | The UnitType to retrieve the maximum energy for. |
Returns | Maximum amount of energy that the given unit type can have. |
int BWAPI:: Player:: refundedGas() const
Retrieves the cumulative amount of vespene gas that this player has gained from refunding (cancelling) units and structures.
Returns | Cumulative amount of gas that the player has received from refunds. |
int BWAPI:: Player:: refundedMinerals() const
Retrieves the cumulative amount of minerals/ore that this player has gained from refunding (cancelling) units and structures.
Returns | Cumulative amount of minerals that the player has received from refunds. |
int BWAPI:: Player:: repairedGas() const
Retrieves the cumulative amount of vespene gas that this player has spent on repairing units since the beginning of the game.
Returns | Cumulative amount of gas that the player has spent repairing. |
This function only applies to Terran players.
int BWAPI:: Player:: repairedMinerals() const
Retrieves the cumulative amount of minerals/ore that this player has spent on repairing units since the beginning of the game.
Returns | Cumulative amount of minerals that the player has spent repairing. |
This function only applies to Terran players.
int BWAPI:: Player:: sightRange(UnitType unit) const
Retrieves the sight range of a unit type, taking the player's sight range upgrades into consideration.
Parameters | |
unit | The UnitType to retrieve the sight range for. |
Returns | Sight range of the provided unit type for this player. |
int BWAPI:: Player:: spentMinerals() const
Retrieves the cumulative amount of minerals/ore that this player has spent, excluding repairs.
Returns | Cumulative amount of minerals that the player has spent. |
int BWAPI:: Player:: supplyTotal(Race race = Races:: None) const
Retrieves the total amount of supply the player has available for unit control.
Parameters | |
race | (optional) The race to query the total supply for. If this is omitted, then the player's current race will be used. |
Returns | The total supply available for this player and the given race . |
Example usage:
if ( game.self().supplyUsed() + 8 >= game.self().supplyTotal() ) { // Construct pylons, supply depots, or overlords }
int BWAPI:: Player:: supplyUsed(Race race = Races:: None) const
Retrieves the current amount of supply that the player is using for unit control.
Parameters | |
race | (optional) The race to query the used supply for. If this is omitted, then the player's current race will be used. |
Returns | The supply that is in use for this player and the given race . |
int BWAPI:: Player:: visibleUnitCount(UnitType unit = UnitTypes:: AllUnits) const
Retrieves the total number of strictly visible units that the player has, even if information on the player is unrestricted.
Parameters | |
unit | (optional) The unit type to query. UnitType macros are accepted. If this parameter is omitted, then it will use UnitTypes:: |
Returns | The total number of units of the given type that the player owns, and is visible to the BWAPI player. |
int BWAPI:: Player:: weaponDamageCooldown(UnitType unit) const
Retrieves the ground weapon cooldown of a unit type, taking the player's attack speed upgrades into consideration.
Parameters | |
unit | The UnitType to retrieve the ground damage cooldown for. |
Returns | Ground weapon cooldown of the provided unit type for this player. |
int BWAPI:: Player:: weaponMaxRange(WeaponType weapon) const
Retrieves the maximum weapon range of a weapon type, taking the player's weapon upgrades into consideration.
Parameters | |
weapon | The WeaponType to retrieve the maximum range for. |
Returns | Maximum range of the given weapon type for units owned by this player. |