namespace BWAPI The primary namespace for the BWAPI interface.
namespace BulletTypes Namespace containing bullet types.
- namespace Enum Enumeration of bullet types.
- namespace Colors Namespace containing known colors.
- namespace CoordinateType Contains the coordinate type enumeration for relative drawing positions.
namespace DamageTypes Namespace containing damage types.
- namespace Enum Enumeration of damage types.
- namespace Errors Namespace containing error codes
- namespace EventType Contains a list of event types supported by BWAPI.
namespace ExplosionTypes Namespace containing explosion types.
- namespace Enum Enumeration of explosion types.
- namespace Filter
- namespace Flag Contains flag enumerations for BWAPI.
namespace GameTypes Namespace containing game types.
- namespace Enum Enumeration of game types.
namespace Orders Namespace containing unit orders.
- namespace Enum Enumeration of unit orders.
namespace PlayerTypes Namespace containing player types (player controllers).
- namespace Enum Enumeration of player types (player controllers).
- namespace Positions List of special Position constants.
namespace Races Namespace containing all valid races.
- namespace Enum Enumeration of races.
namespace TechTypes Namespace containing tech types.
- namespace Enum Enumeration of Tech Types.
namespace Text Namespace containing text formatting codes.
- namespace Size Namespace containing text sizes.
- namespace TilePositions List of special TilePosition constants.
- namespace Tournament Contains a list of interruptable actions that the tournament module can allow or deny.
namespace UnitCommandTypes Namespace containing unit command types.
- namespace Enum Enumeration of valid unit command types.
namespace UnitSizeTypes Namespace containing unit size types.
- namespace Enum Enumeration of unit size types.
namespace UnitTypes Namespace containing unit types.
- namespace Enum Enumeration of unit types
namespace UpgradeTypes Namespace of upgrade types.
- namespace Enum Enumeration of upgrade types.
- namespace WalkPositions List of special WalkPosition constants.
namespace WeaponTypes namespace containing weapon types.
- namespace Enum Enumeration of weapon types.
- class AIModule AIModule is a virtual class that is intended to be implemented or inherited by a custom AI class.
- class APMCounter
- class BestFilter The BestFilter is used to compare two objects with each other.
- class Bullet An interface object representing a bullet or missile spawned from an attack.
- struct BulletID
- class Bulletset A container for a set of Bullet objects.
- class BulletType This class represents a type of bullet.
- class Color The Color object is used in drawing routines to specify the color to use.
- class CommandOptimizer Used for optimizing several commands of the same type, usually by grouping units together.
- class CompareFilter The CompareFilter is a container in which a stored function predicate returns a value.
- class DamageType Damage types are used in Broodwar to determine the amount of damage that will be done to a unit.
- class Error The Error object is generally used to determine why certain functions in BWAPI have failed.
- class Event
- class ExplosionType A representation of a weapon's explosion type.
- class Force The Force class is used to get information about each force in a match.
- struct ForceID
- class Forceset A container that holds a group of Forces.
- class FPSCounter
- class Game The abstract Game class is implemented by BWAPI and is the primary means of obtaining all game state information from Starcraft Broodwar.
- class GameType A class that represents game types in Broodwar.
struct IDCompare
- struct hasIdT
struct Identifier
- struct Hash
struct InterfaceDataWrapper
- struct Hash
- struct NoneIdentifier
- class Order An Order (Order type) represents a Unit's current action and can be retrieved with Unit::
getOrder. - class Player The Player represents a unique controller in the game.
- struct PlayerID
- class Playerset A set containing Player objects.
- class PlayerType Represents the type of controller for the player slot (i.e.
- class Point The Point class is a base class that implements convenience members and performs conversions for several different position scales.
- class Race The Race object is used to get information about a particular race.
- class Region Region objects are created by Starcraft: Broodwar to contain several tiles with the same properties, and create a node in pathfinding and other algorithms.
- struct RegionID
- class Regionset A container that holds a set of Region objects.
- class SetContainer This container is used to wrap convenience functions for BWAPI and be used as a bridge with a built-in set type.
- class TechType The TechType (or Technology Type, also referred to as an Ability) represents a Unit's ability which can be researched with Unit::
research or used with Unit:: useTech. - class TournamentModule TournamentModule is a virtual class that is intended to be implemented or inherited by a custom Tournament class.
class Type Base superclass for all BWAPI Types.
- struct Hash
- class UnaryFilter UnaryFilter allows for logical functor combinations.
- class Unit The Unit class is used to get information about individual units as well as issue orders to units.
- class UnitCommand
- class UnitCommandType A representation of a unit command in BWAPI.
class UnitFinder
- struct UnitCompare
- struct UnitID
- class Unitset
- class UnitSizeType Size types are used by unit types in Broodwar to determine how much damage will be applied.
- class UnitType The UnitType is used to get information about a particular type of unit, such as its cost, build time, weapon, hit points, abilities, etc.
- class UpgradeType The upgrade type represents a passive upgrade that can be obtained with Unit::
upgrade. - class WeaponType This object identifies a weapon type used by a unit to attack and deal damage.
namespace BulletTypes Namespace containing bullet types.
- namespace std STL namespace.