![]() | BWAPI 4.2.0 An API for interacting with Starcraft: Broodwar (1.16.1) |
This is the complete list of members for BWAPI::Game, including all inherited members.
allies()=0 | BWAPI::Game | pure virtual |
canBuildHere(TilePosition position, UnitType type, Unit builder=nullptr, bool checkExplored=false)=0 | BWAPI::Game | pure virtual |
canMake(UnitType type, Unit builder=nullptr) const =0 | BWAPI::Game | pure virtual |
canResearch(TechType type, Unit unit=nullptr, bool checkCanIssueCommandType=true)=0 | BWAPI::Game | pure virtual |
canUpgrade(UpgradeType type, Unit unit=nullptr, bool checkCanIssueCommandType=true)=0 | BWAPI::Game | pure virtual |
countdownTimer() const =0 | BWAPI::Game | pure virtual |
drawBox(CoordinateType::Enum ctype, int left, int top, int right, int bottom, Color color, bool isSolid=false)=0 | BWAPI::Game | pure virtual |
drawBoxMap(int left, int top, int right, int bottom, Color color, bool isSolid=false) | BWAPI::Game | |
drawBoxMap(Position leftTop, Position rightBottom, Color color, bool isSolid=false) | BWAPI::Game | |
drawBoxMouse(int left, int top, int right, int bottom, Color color, bool isSolid=false) | BWAPI::Game | |
drawBoxMouse(Position leftTop, Position rightBottom, Color color, bool isSolid=false) | BWAPI::Game | |
drawBoxScreen(int left, int top, int right, int bottom, Color color, bool isSolid=false) | BWAPI::Game | |
drawBoxScreen(Position leftTop, Position rightBottom, Color color, bool isSolid=false) | BWAPI::Game | |
drawCircle(CoordinateType::Enum ctype, int x, int y, int radius, Color color, bool isSolid=false)=0 | BWAPI::Game | pure virtual |
drawCircleMap(int x, int y, int radius, Color color, bool isSolid=false) | BWAPI::Game | |
drawCircleMap(Position p, int radius, Color color, bool isSolid=false) | BWAPI::Game | |
drawCircleMouse(int x, int y, int radius, Color color, bool isSolid=false) | BWAPI::Game | |
drawCircleMouse(Position p, int radius, Color color, bool isSolid=false) | BWAPI::Game | |
drawCircleScreen(int x, int y, int radius, Color color, bool isSolid=false) | BWAPI::Game | |
drawCircleScreen(Position p, int radius, Color color, bool isSolid=false) | BWAPI::Game | |
drawDot(CoordinateType::Enum ctype, int x, int y, Color color)=0 | BWAPI::Game | pure virtual |
drawDotMap(int x, int y, Color color) | BWAPI::Game | |
drawDotMap(Position p, Color color) | BWAPI::Game | |
drawDotMouse(int x, int y, Color color) | BWAPI::Game | |
drawDotMouse(Position p, Color color) | BWAPI::Game | |
drawDotScreen(int x, int y, Color color) | BWAPI::Game | |
drawDotScreen(Position p, Color color) | BWAPI::Game | |
drawEllipse(CoordinateType::Enum ctype, int x, int y, int xrad, int yrad, Color color, bool isSolid=false)=0 | BWAPI::Game | pure virtual |
drawEllipseMap(int x, int y, int xrad, int yrad, Color color, bool isSolid=false) | BWAPI::Game | |
drawEllipseMap(Position p, int xrad, int yrad, Color color, bool isSolid=false) | BWAPI::Game | |
drawEllipseMouse(int x, int y, int xrad, int yrad, Color color, bool isSolid=false) | BWAPI::Game | |
drawEllipseMouse(Position p, int xrad, int yrad, Color color, bool isSolid=false) | BWAPI::Game | |
drawEllipseScreen(int x, int y, int xrad, int yrad, Color color, bool isSolid=false) | BWAPI::Game | |
drawEllipseScreen(Position p, int xrad, int yrad, Color color, bool isSolid=false) | BWAPI::Game | |
drawLine(CoordinateType::Enum ctype, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, Color color)=0 | BWAPI::Game | pure virtual |
drawLineMap(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, Color color) | BWAPI::Game | |
drawLineMap(Position a, Position b, Color color) | BWAPI::Game | |
drawLineMouse(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, Color color) | BWAPI::Game | |
drawLineMouse(Position a, Position b, Color color) | BWAPI::Game | |
drawLineScreen(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, Color color) | BWAPI::Game | |
drawLineScreen(Position a, Position b, Color color) | BWAPI::Game | |
drawText(CoordinateType::Enum ctype, int x, int y, const char *format,...) | BWAPI::Game | |
drawTextMap(int x, int y, const char *format,...) | BWAPI::Game | |
drawTextMap(Position p, const char *format,...) | BWAPI::Game | |
drawTextMouse(int x, int y, const char *format,...) | BWAPI::Game | |
drawTextMouse(Position p, const char *format,...) | BWAPI::Game | |
drawTextScreen(int x, int y, const char *format,...) | BWAPI::Game | |
drawTextScreen(Position p, const char *format,...) | BWAPI::Game | |
drawTriangle(CoordinateType::Enum ctype, int ax, int ay, int bx, int by, int cx, int cy, Color color, bool isSolid=false)=0 | BWAPI::Game | pure virtual |
drawTriangleMap(int ax, int ay, int bx, int by, int cx, int cy, Color color, bool isSolid=false) | BWAPI::Game | |
drawTriangleMap(Position a, Position b, Position c, Color color, bool isSolid=false) | BWAPI::Game | |
drawTriangleMouse(int ax, int ay, int bx, int by, int cx, int cy, Color color, bool isSolid=false) | BWAPI::Game | |
drawTriangleMouse(Position a, Position b, Position c, Color color, bool isSolid=false) | BWAPI::Game | |
drawTriangleScreen(int ax, int ay, int bx, int by, int cx, int cy, Color color, bool isSolid=false) | BWAPI::Game | |
drawTriangleScreen(Position a, Position b, Position c, Color color, bool isSolid=false) | BWAPI::Game | |
elapsedTime() const =0 | BWAPI::Game | pure virtual |
enableFlag(int flag)=0 | BWAPI::Game | pure virtual |
enemies()=0 | BWAPI::Game | pure virtual |
enemy() const =0 | BWAPI::Game | pure virtual |
getAllRegions() const =0 | BWAPI::Game | pure virtual |
getAllUnits() const =0 | BWAPI::Game | pure virtual |
getAPM(bool includeSelects=false) const =0 | BWAPI::Game | pure virtual |
getAverageFPS() const =0 | BWAPI::Game | pure virtual |
getBestUnit(const BestUnitFilter &best, const UnitFilter &pred, Position center=Positions::Origin, int radius=999999) const =0 | BWAPI::Game | pure virtual |
getBuildLocation(UnitType type, TilePosition desiredPosition, int maxRange=64, bool creep=false) const | BWAPI::Game | |
getBullets() const =0 | BWAPI::Game | pure virtual |
getClientVersion() const =0 | BWAPI::Game | pure virtual |
getClosestUnit(Position center, const UnitFilter &pred=nullptr, int radius=999999) const | BWAPI::Game | |
getClosestUnitInRectangle(Position center, const UnitFilter &pred=nullptr, int left=0, int top=0, int right=999999, int bottom=999999) const =0 | BWAPI::Game | pure virtual |
getDamageFrom(UnitType fromType, UnitType toType, Player fromPlayer=nullptr, Player toPlayer=nullptr) const | BWAPI::Game | |
getDamageTo(UnitType toType, UnitType fromType, Player toPlayer=nullptr, Player fromPlayer=nullptr) const | BWAPI::Game | |
getEvents() const =0 | BWAPI::Game | pure virtual |
getForce(int forceID) const =0 | BWAPI::Game | pure virtual |
getForces() const =0 | BWAPI::Game | pure virtual |
getFPS() const =0 | BWAPI::Game | pure virtual |
getFrameCount() const =0 | BWAPI::Game | pure virtual |
getGameType() const =0 | BWAPI::Game | pure virtual |
getGeysers() const =0 | BWAPI::Game | pure virtual |
getGroundHeight(int tileX, int tileY) const =0 | BWAPI::Game | pure virtual |
getGroundHeight(TilePosition position) const | BWAPI::Game | |
getInstanceNumber() const =0 | BWAPI::Game | pure virtual |
getKeyState(Key key) const =0 | BWAPI::Game | pure virtual |
getLastError() const =0 | BWAPI::Game | pure virtual |
getLastEventTime() const =0 | BWAPI::Game | pure virtual |
getLatency() const =0 | BWAPI::Game | pure virtual |
getLatencyFrames() const =0 | BWAPI::Game | pure virtual |
getLatencyTime() const =0 | BWAPI::Game | pure virtual |
getMinerals() const =0 | BWAPI::Game | pure virtual |
getMousePosition() const =0 | BWAPI::Game | pure virtual |
getMouseState(MouseButton button) const =0 | BWAPI::Game | pure virtual |
getNeutralUnits() const =0 | BWAPI::Game | pure virtual |
getNukeDots() const =0 | BWAPI::Game | pure virtual |
getPlayer(int playerID) const =0 | BWAPI::Game | pure virtual |
getPlayers() const =0 | BWAPI::Game | pure virtual |
getRandomSeed() const =0 | BWAPI::Game | pure virtual |
getRegion(int regionID) const =0 | BWAPI::Game | pure virtual |
getRegionAt(int x, int y) const =0 | BWAPI::Game | pure virtual |
getRegionAt(BWAPI::Position position) const | BWAPI::Game | |
getRemainingLatencyFrames() const =0 | BWAPI::Game | pure virtual |
getRemainingLatencyTime() const =0 | BWAPI::Game | pure virtual |
getReplayFrameCount() const =0 | BWAPI::Game | pure virtual |
getRevision() const =0 | BWAPI::Game | pure virtual |
getScreenPosition() const =0 | BWAPI::Game | pure virtual |
getSelectedUnits() const =0 | BWAPI::Game | pure virtual |
getStartLocations() const =0 | BWAPI::Game | pure virtual |
getStaticGeysers() const =0 | BWAPI::Game | pure virtual |
getStaticMinerals() const =0 | BWAPI::Game | pure virtual |
getStaticNeutralUnits() const =0 | BWAPI::Game | pure virtual |
getUnit(int unitID) const =0 | BWAPI::Game | pure virtual |
getUnitsInRadius(int x, int y, int radius, const UnitFilter &pred=nullptr) const | BWAPI::Game | |
getUnitsInRadius(BWAPI::Position center, int radius, const UnitFilter &pred=nullptr) const | BWAPI::Game | |
getUnitsInRectangle(int left, int top, int right, int bottom, const UnitFilter &pred=nullptr) const =0 | BWAPI::Game | pure virtual |
getUnitsInRectangle(BWAPI::Position topLeft, BWAPI::Position bottomRight, const UnitFilter &pred=nullptr) const | BWAPI::Game | |
getUnitsOnTile(int tileX, int tileY, const UnitFilter &pred=nullptr) const | BWAPI::Game | |
getUnitsOnTile(BWAPI::TilePosition tile, const UnitFilter &pred=nullptr) const | BWAPI::Game | |
hasCreep(int tileX, int tileY) const =0 | BWAPI::Game | pure virtual |
hasCreep(TilePosition position) const | BWAPI::Game | |
hasPath(Position source, Position destination) const | BWAPI::Game | |
hasPower(int tileX, int tileY, UnitType unitType=UnitTypes::None) const | BWAPI::Game | |
hasPower(TilePosition position, UnitType unitType=UnitTypes::None) const | BWAPI::Game | |
hasPower(int tileX, int tileY, int tileWidth, int tileHeight, UnitType unitType=UnitTypes::None) const | BWAPI::Game | |
hasPower(TilePosition position, int tileWidth, int tileHeight, UnitType unitType=UnitTypes::None) const | BWAPI::Game | |
hasPowerPrecise(int x, int y, UnitType unitType=UnitTypes::None) const =0 | BWAPI::Game | pure virtual |
hasPowerPrecise(Position position, UnitType unitType=UnitTypes::None) const | BWAPI::Game | |
indexToUnit(int unitIndex) const =0 | BWAPI::Game | pure virtual |
isBattleNet() const =0 | BWAPI::Game | pure virtual |
isBuildable(int tileX, int tileY, bool includeBuildings=false) const =0 | BWAPI::Game | pure virtual |
isBuildable(TilePosition position, bool includeBuildings=false) const | BWAPI::Game | |
isDebug() const =0 | BWAPI::Game | pure virtual |
isExplored(int tileX, int tileY) const =0 | BWAPI::Game | pure virtual |
isExplored(TilePosition position) const | BWAPI::Game | |
isFlagEnabled(int flag) const =0 | BWAPI::Game | pure virtual |
isGUIEnabled() const =0 | BWAPI::Game | pure virtual |
isInGame() const =0 | BWAPI::Game | pure virtual |
isLatComEnabled() const =0 | BWAPI::Game | pure virtual |
isMultiplayer() const =0 | BWAPI::Game | pure virtual |
isPaused() const =0 | BWAPI::Game | pure virtual |
isReplay() const =0 | BWAPI::Game | pure virtual |
issueCommand(const Unitset &units, UnitCommand command)=0 | BWAPI::Game | pure virtual |
isVisible(int tileX, int tileY) const =0 | BWAPI::Game | pure virtual |
isVisible(TilePosition position) const | BWAPI::Game | |
isWalkable(int walkX, int walkY) const =0 | BWAPI::Game | pure virtual |
isWalkable(BWAPI::WalkPosition position) const | BWAPI::Game | |
leaveGame()=0 | BWAPI::Game | pure virtual |
mapFileName() const =0 | BWAPI::Game | pure virtual |
mapHash() const =0 | BWAPI::Game | pure virtual |
mapHeight() const =0 | BWAPI::Game | pure virtual |
mapName() const =0 | BWAPI::Game | pure virtual |
mapPathName() const =0 | BWAPI::Game | pure virtual |
mapWidth() const =0 | BWAPI::Game | pure virtual |
neutral() const =0 | BWAPI::Game | pure virtual |
observers()=0 | BWAPI::Game | pure virtual |
operator=(const Game &other)=delete | BWAPI::Game | protected |
operator=(Game &&other)=delete | BWAPI::Game | protected |
pauseGame()=0 | BWAPI::Game | pure virtual |
pingMinimap(int x, int y)=0 | BWAPI::Game | pure virtual |
pingMinimap(BWAPI::Position p) | BWAPI::Game | |
printf(const char *format,...) | BWAPI::Game | |
restartGame()=0 | BWAPI::Game | pure virtual |
resumeGame()=0 | BWAPI::Game | pure virtual |
self() const =0 | BWAPI::Game | pure virtual |
sendText(const char *format,...) | BWAPI::Game | |
sendTextEx(bool toAllies, const char *format,...) | BWAPI::Game | |
setAlliance(BWAPI::Player player, bool allied=true, bool alliedVictory=true)=0 | BWAPI::Game | pure virtual |
setCommandOptimizationLevel(int level)=0 | BWAPI::Game | pure virtual |
setFrameSkip(int frameSkip)=0 | BWAPI::Game | pure virtual |
setGUI(bool enabled)=0 | BWAPI::Game | pure virtual |
setLastError(BWAPI::Error e=Errors::None) const =0 | BWAPI::Game | pure virtual |
setLatCom(bool isEnabled)=0 | BWAPI::Game | pure virtual |
setLocalSpeed(int speed)=0 | BWAPI::Game | pure virtual |
setMap(const char *mapFileName)=0 | BWAPI::Game | pure virtual |
setMap(const std::string &mapFileName) | BWAPI::Game | |
setRevealAll(bool reveal=true)=0 | BWAPI::Game | pure virtual |
setScreenPosition(int x, int y)=0 | BWAPI::Game | pure virtual |
setScreenPosition(BWAPI::Position p) | BWAPI::Game | |
setTextSize(Text::Size::Enum size=Text::Size::Default)=0 | BWAPI::Game | pure virtual |
setVision(BWAPI::Player player, bool enabled=true)=0 | BWAPI::Game | pure virtual |
vDrawText(CoordinateType::Enum ctype, int x, int y, const char *format, va_list arg)=0 | BWAPI::Game | pure virtual |
vPrintf(const char *format, va_list args)=0 | BWAPI::Game | pure virtual |
vSendText(const char *format, va_list args) | BWAPI::Game | |
vSendTextEx(bool toAllies, const char *format, va_list args)=0 | BWAPI::Game | pure virtual |